You are currently browsing the monthly archive for December 2005.

Today is the last day of 2005. Good riddance….what a sucky year. For so many people. I can only hope that 2006 is “my time”. And I truly hope it’s “your time”. Keep persisting. Don’t give up. I know they sound cliche – but they are so true. I am going to share a few of my favorite quotes and sayings here to round up this year –

1. if you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting.

2. when somebody tries to show you who they are – believe them. (Maya Angelou)

3. the serenity prayer – it applies to every single instance of our lives.

4. there’s a time for everything. a time to reap and a time to sow….(the bible)

So, let’s make it a goal in this new year to focus on finding happiness – which is what every human being wants. And, the way to happiness is to be compassionate. To care about each other – not only our friends and family, but even people we don’t really like very much. Your success is my success. We gain more by giving more.

Why has our society become so snarky and rude and, well just plain mean? I mean check out the most popular blogs and columnists – they are all so mean. Do we think that if somebody is rich or famous or beautiful that they don’t have any feelings? And what’s the point of being so hurtful all the time? I will admit, I love gossip. It’s a bad habit, but it’s just fun sometimes. But, when it gets downright hurtful, I have had enough.

Enough blaming – enough pointing fingers – enough complaining. This accomplishes nothing. Why don’t we all learn to focus on our OWN lives and our own families and just try to make things better in our world.

Hope you all have a great New Year and I will be here with you to share in your success and your frustrations –


Alex Scott is the 8 year old founder of Alex’s Lemonade Stand for Pediatric Cancer Research. Two days before her first birthday she was diagnosed with an aggressive childhood cancer.

At the young age of 4 she started a lemonade stand on her front lawn to raise money for doctors to find a cure for childhood cancer. She continued her stand every year until she died – at the age of 8.

But, her legacy lives on – the Lemonade Stands have become a world wide charity and they have raised millions of dollars in Alex’s name. Visit here to find out more about this great cause.

Where do you get you courage, little ones? I only hope I can be half the person you were in your short life.

My magazine
Originally uploaded by marquetho.

BoB Button

I wrote about the Best of Blogs awards in a previous post, the blog awards for us “little bloggers”.

Well…what are y’all waiting for? I haven’t been nominated yet – and my insecurities are surfacing. Please nominate me for best mommy blog or literary blog.

I would be so happy to just be nominated – I don’t even expect to win – but, being nominated would make me feel all warm and snuggly inside.

OK – enough self promotion.

Check out my other newest blog – for moms of tween girls (for the moms and the girls).

So – here’s the link to nominate me (wink) for the BOB (wink wink) awards….

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